Arbeitsplatz Bild 5G Systems

Technical Lead Review

Aktueller Mitarbeiter


  • Stable Code Base

    Das Team legt einen großen Wert auf eine qualitativ hochwertige und stabile Codebasis.



    the whole team and the leadership is prioritizing quality above quantity. The devs are giving the opportunity to make things the right way and enough time to refactor things that could be improved. technical debt is tried to being capped at a bearable minimum.

  • Documentation

    Es wird großer Wert auf eine nachvollziehbare Dokumentation der Applikationen gelegt.



    The mantra is: writing clean code is preferred over extensive documentation that gets outdated easily. documentation exists but is tried to be usable as well (IaaS, PaaS, etc.)

  • Continuous Delivery

    Der Prozess vom Codecommit bis zur Produktion ist hier bestens automatisiert.



    Continuous Delivery is completely automated. For deployment acceptance criteria is in place.

  • Modern TechStack

    Das Team hat die Möglichkeit, immer mit den modernsten Technologien und Tools zu arbeiten.



    working with the latest stable releases on all projects is key. Being up-to-date on all systems and dependencies means no locked resources for last minute upgrade when a version drops their LTS.

  • Open Source Contribution

    Das Team legt viel Wert darauf, Open-Source-Software der Community zur Verfügung zu stellen.



    Absolutely everything we can run on OSS, we run on it. It's also important to give back to the community and regularly improvements and PRs shall be commited upon your own user on e.g. github. The company is interested in everyone working, developing his/her contributions and portfolio individually. It's a give-and-take.

  • Product Participation

    Entwickler sind nicht nur Umsetzer, sondern können auch Produktentscheidungen beeinflussen.



    Roles are defined well, but critics, thoughts and ideas from devs are part of the development process. Who else should be in charge of finding the best technical solution for a problem? Ownership is key.

  • Meeting Efficiency

    Hier verschwendet kein Mitarbeiter zu viel Zeit in ergebnislose Meetings.



    A small stand-up like meeting to discuss pressing issues and status is kept to a minimum time slot (whole team not longer than 30min; usually around 15). Meeting times are eagle eyed and breakout sessions are preferred for in-depth talks.

  • Agility/Adaptability

    Das Team schafft es schnell auf Kunden und Markterfordernisse zu reagieren.



    Due to above points stated, i.e. Ownership, CI/CD, preventing Technical Debt, etc., and a high level of seniority in the team, this is one of the benefits we get out of it.

  • Project Management

    Hervorragendes Anforderungs- und Projektmanagement sind hier selbstverständlich.



    Spotify's Tribe model ( is the rough blueprint of our work environment. The company is drifting apart were necessary and beneficial from it and borrows techniques from other agile frameworks to enable the devs. Most of this clutter is tried to be kept away from the devs, so they can focus on what they can do best: Find solutions for complex problems.

Career Growth

  • Technical Training

    Hier ist das Team immer am neuesten technologischen Wissensstand.



    The baseline of seniority of the staff is very high, gaining knowledge consistently is part of the job and is expected to be in the responsibility of every dev. New technologies and frameworks can be tried out if it fits the needs (especially long-term).

  • Good For Junior Devs

    Hier sind Juniors besonders herzlich willkommen und werden auch dementsprechend gefördert.



    The company is rarely employing juniors, though someone with enough motivation and drive can also be enabled. You don't have to be senior dev to work here. Proof yourself that you are senior or capable of getting up track fast. You'll be definitely given a chance.

  • Career Opportunities

    Ob neue Aufgabenbereiche oder der Umstieg in das IT-Management, hier ist alles möglich.



    The company is growing fast, and so is its need for different skill sets and characters. There is a huge opportunity waiting for everyone interested.

  • Safe Environment to Fail

    Hier können Mitarbeiter schnell Neues ausprobieren und aus Fehlern lernen.



    Positive error culture is key. Making a new mistake is considered to be beneficial for the team. There is no learning without failing.

  • Freedom at Work

    Das Team lässt Mitarbeitern den nötigen Freiraum bei der Arbeit.



    OWNERSHIP is written in caps. everyone is encouraged to deliver features and improvements from idea stage to release. The team helps out if needed, as everyone knows how it was for them in the beginning.


  • IT-Equipment

    Das Arbeiten mit modernster Hardware und Infrastruktur wird hier ermöglicht.



    custom setup is part of the deal

  • Work Flexibility

    Sowohl flexible Arbeitszeiten, als auch die Möglichkeit von Remote Arbeit, werden geboten.



    preferred 2 days/week in the office. personal schedules and duties are handled thoughtful, as long as work is getting done.

  • Office Equipment

    Tolle Räumlichkeiten inklusive einer guten Ausstattung machen den Arbeitsplatz hier besonders.



    A new office is in the making providing exactly this

  • Work-Life-Balance

    Die Arbeitszeiten bewegen sich in einem normalen Rahmen, auch ohne Gruppenzwang zur Mehrarbeit.



    Vacation and sick leaves are treated as they should be: untouchable. No communication unless it's absolutely crucial. I've never witnessed someone being pressured into working over hours. Humanly work-life-balance is key for success.

  • Salary & Perks

    Es werden gute und gerechte Löhne bezahlt, mit attraktiven Zusatzleistungen on top.



    An above average offer, but no extras (except an absolutely top-notch team and environment to work in). Table soccer games included to take a break from thinking too hard.


  • Teamspirit & Fun

    Alle arbeiten gut zusammen und es herrscht eine gute Stimmung im Team.



    No strange characters, everybody's interested in success for everyone.

  • Communication Culture

    Mitarbeiter sind stets bestens informiert und können offen ihre Meinung äußern.



    As already mentioned: positive error culture. No finger pointing. dead honest conversations to get to the bottom of the problem. Employee's shouldn't take feedback and critic personally. It's usually tried to emphasize the opportunity to grow on mistakes as a team.

  • Team Diversity

    Die Teammitglieder sind unterschiedlich in Bezug auf Geschlecht, Herkunft und Alter.



    Skills, knowledge and character are crucial. No discrimination, no prejudices. Everyone's welcome.

  • Appreciation at Work

    Dieses Team weiß die Leistungen der Kollegen gut zu schätzen.



    Transparent communication is wanted and encouraged. If you teamed up with someone solving an issue, let the team know. That builds up motivation and trust. Nobody fights for their own. But if it happens to be, it's made sure that everyone notices.