Arbeitsplatz Bild BehaviorQuant

Team Kultur


At the moment the development team consists of two developers and one product manager - forming a cross-functional team - which is working very tightly with our science department and advisors from Harvard, Standford and Cambridge, to develop new boundary breaking methodologies and algorithms to quantify human behavior. Currently we follow a very lean Scrum process with bi-weekly sprints, the daily work usually consists of Front End / Back End and occasionally DevOps development.


  • Deutsch
  • Englisch

Team Verteilung

  • National


  • 1-6 Mitarbeiter


  • Scrum

At the moment we follow a very lean Scrum process, with daily StandUp-Meetings and bi-weekly sprints.

Unsere Werte

  • Participative leadership - Ideas are exchanged freely, and discussion is encouraged

  • Mutual trust - Trusting in each other to do the right thing

  • Effective decision-making - Using a blend of rational and intuitive decision making methods



  • Team


  • Team


  • Team


Warum hast du dich für dieses Team entschieden?
While I was looking for a new opportunity, I came across BehaviorQuant and it immediately caught my attention and interest, as the domain (behavioral finance) was so wildly different and fascinating. Previously I was working for a global e-commerce company, leading a team which was focused on building a micro-transaction platform for video games, during that time I gathered a lot of experience in what is required to build and operate a highly commercially successful product. For me, it was the right time to shift-gears from working for a large company, to apply my experience and knowledge at a small start-up and help create something novel and groundbreaking for the finance industry.
Worum geht´s in deinem Job?
I’m responsible for ensuring that we have a solid technological foundation and processes to deliver exceptional products to our customers. Moreover, I’m also involved in the day to day development of our products, which ranges from Front-End / Back-End development as well as DevOps.
Was gefällt dir besonders an deinem Job?
Breaking new ground, pioneering and building something, which can radically disrupt the finance industry.